California Environmental Quality Act
DWR has completed environmental compliance under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which requires a public agency to review and document potential environmental impacts before a project can be approved and implemented.
CEQA Process
Inform decisionmakers and the public about the potential significant effects on the physical environment of the proposed project and methods to avoid or substantially reduce the significant environmental effects to the extent feasible.
Notice of Preparation
Development of Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS)
Public circulation of Draft EIS
Public circulation of Draft EIS
Notice of Preparation
Development of Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR)
Public circulation of Draft EIR
Public Meetings
Development of Final EIR, including response to comments
Certify EIR and
- Adopt findings
- Adopt statement of overriding considerations if needed
- Adopt Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Plan
Notice of Determination

Certified Final EIR (2023)
The Certified Final EIR was prepared by DWR as the lead agency to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Certified Final EIR includes four decision documents: 1) Decisions Regarding the Delta Conveyance Project Final Environmental Impact Report, 2) Notice of Determination, 3) Delta Conveyance Project Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and 4) Delta Conveyance Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and the contents of the entire Draft EIR, as revised, and all comments received on the Draft EIR and responses to substantive comments.
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Draft EIR (2022)
DWR prepared and released a Draft EIR for public review and comment July – December 2022 in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Draft EIR evaluated a range of alternatives to the proposed project and disclosed potential environmental effects of the proposed project and alternatives, and associated mitigation measures for potentially significant impacts. DWR is in the process of reviewing and responding to substantive comments received on the Draft EIR and plans to issue a Final EIR in late 2023. At that time, DWR will determine whether to approve the proposed project, an alternative or no project.
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Informational Webinars (2021)
DWR hosted four informational webinars between July and September 2021 to provide background information related to preparation of the Draft EIR.
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Scoping (2020)
On January 15, 2020, DWR issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) notifying the public that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is being prepared for the proposed Delta Conveyance Project. The NOP also solicited responses from agencies, organizations, and members of the public regarding the scope and content of the environmental analysis in the EIR. Eight scoping meetings were held in Sacramento, Los Angeles, Walnut Grove, San Jose, Stockton, Clarksburg, Brentwood and Redding.
- Scoping Summary Report
- Appendices A – C: Notification and Meeting Materials
- Scoping Comment Index
- Appendix D: Scoping Comments Summary
- Appendix E: Scoping Comments (Letters, Meeting Transcripts, Hotline)
- Part 1 (comments 1-50)
- Part 2 (comments 51 – 100)
- Part 3 (comments 101 – 150)
- Part 4 (comments 151 – 200)
- Part 5 (comments 201 – 250)
- Part 6 (comments 251 – 300)
- Part 7 (comments 301 – 350)
- Part 8 (comments 351 – 400)
- Part 9 (comments 401 – 450)
- Part 10 (comments 451 – 500)
- Part 11 (comments 501 – 550)
- Part 12 (comments 551 – 600)
- Part 13 (comments 601 – 650)
- Part 14 (comments 651 – 700)
- Part 15 (comments 701 – 750)
- Part 16 (comments 751 – 800)
- Part 17 (comments 801 – 850)
- Part 18 (comments 851 – 1,000)
The above documents only include the primary comment letter submitted and do not include any supplemental supporting materials that may have been appended to some comment letters. The supplemental supporting materials are available upon request by emailing
Archived Scoping Materials:
- Notice of Preparation
- Q&A
- Q&A - En Español (Spanish)
- Delta Conveyance Environmental Review Notice of Preparation Overview Fact Sheet
- Reseña Informativa sobre el Aviso de Preparación para el Estudio del Impacto Ambiental de la Modernización de la Infraestructura Hídrica en el Sacramento-San Joaquín Delta (Spanish)